Parinirvana on Powers St.

From the artist:
4’ x 2’5”
Pastel on fabric

My grandfather is my root to my culture, although not always a stable one. He’s carried me to school on his shoulders all through elementary school, reciting Tang poetry. But he also had terrifying mood swings. I’m left with the complicated work of untangling my emotions and my devotion to him in the wake of his passing.

Parinirvana is the moment of Buddha’s final disappearance from the earth, a peaceful scene beneath the shade of silvery trees. I smoothed chalky pastel onto fabric, paying homage to my grandfather’s different forms, both decaying and embryonic, faces shielded by circular rays of light. I continue my exploration into the stages of his life, his experience of immigrating to the U.S., and his constant struggle for a sense of self. It is an expression of my acceptance of his complexity and a gesture of grace: I am a reflection of all he is, my sense of being tied to his.

Ivory 予洁 is a queer artist of Chinese descent, born in East Williamsburg. Her art is inspired by the spirituality of interpersonal relationships and family dynamics. Her biomythographies use poetry to explore active processes of self-discovery and the metabolism of complex personal and intergenerational histories in the body. Find more of her work on her website and instagram.