Editors’ Note

December 9, 2020

Dear Reader,

We are thrilled to share this very special issue featuring a collaboration between the Apothecary and the Icahn School of Medicine chapter of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA). When the twin pandemics of coronavirus and police violence reignited conversations around race and equity in our country, we began reflecting on the complicity of medicine and how race has shaped our own experiences in it.

This year more than most, we have all experienced tremendous personal and collective grief, inexplicable joys, and everything in between. There have been times in the midst of the many dialogues and meetings, words have simply failed us. We hope that this issue gives both our contributors and viewers an opportunity to express and process these emotions through art.

We are so grateful to the Apothecary for embodying allyship and dedicating their platform to centering and uplifting the voices of our Black community members. We hope this issue fosters more understanding and healing.

We hope you all have a happy and healthy holiday season!

SNMA Executive Board

Taylor Harrell
Jenn Dias Makda Getachew Zewde Sewit Bereket Jeffrey Okewunmi Beselot Birhanu


We extend our sincere and humble gratitude to our colleagues at SNMA for their tireless work in improving and enriching our community, and to our contributors for bringing this stunning collection to life.

The Apothecary Editorial Board


This issue is dedicated to all those affected by police violence.